React Elastic Carousel
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Getting started
itemsToScrollitemsToShowbreakPointsExampleverticalModeinitialActiveIndexfocusOnSelectisRTLenableAutoPlayitemPaddingouterSpacingshowEmptySlotsitemPositioneasingrenderArrowrenderPaginationautoTabIndexVisibleItemsonChangeonNextStartonNextEndonPrevStartonPrevEndonResizeslideNext / slidePrevgoToStyling


This is the coolest feature and one of the main reasons that react-elastic-carousel was written.

The breakPoints array, allows you to set different props for different sizes of the element, regardless to the window's size.
This is due to the fact that react-elastic-carousel is listening to the element's resize event instead of the window.

ANY prop can be passed directly to React Elastic Carousel or via a the breakpoint object. Keep in mind that a prop passed via a breakpoint will override a direct prop.


(Resize the container to see the changes...)